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屏東縣恆春鎮「出火」風景區,因地底冒出的天然氣形成火焰而聞名,吸引不少觀光客來朝聖,但是墾管處前年劃出國家公園範圍後,土地歸還國防部,但軍方卻考量緊鄰實彈射擊訓練場,遲未移撥縣府,形成「三不管」地帶,衍生烤爆米花、放煙火等亂象,但現在立委爭取下,國防部同意將無償撥用縣府管理,未來將會規劃成新的觀光景點。從地底冒出熊熊火焰,這是屏東縣恆春鎮「出火」風景區,即使下著雨,還是吸引觀光客前來朝聖。但觀光客一多,這團火就很容易被動起歪腦筋,之前就有民眾到出火區燒烤,甚至還有媽媽帶小朋友來烤爆米花、放仙女棒,但這個景點,卻是出名的「三不管」地帶。就是因為墾管處前年,劃出國家公園範圍後,土地歸還國防部,但軍方考量緊鄰實彈射擊訓練場,遲遲沒移撥給縣政府,才讓這裡變成無法可管,亂象叢生,而最新在立委周春米與土地管轄的國防部多次協調後,已獲同意將在半年內無償撥用出火鄰近土地,交由屏東縣政府管理,而當地里民也期盼能有新發展。而縣政府表示,會出火劃設為「觀光地區」,制訂管理辦法,也希望藉著縣府介入,能阻止當地亂象,讓出火變成屏東觀光新景點。(民視新聞/洪明生、陳姵妡 屏東報導)
The winter chill might make us want to hide away indoors, but staying social is good for the soul. And after weeks of physical distancing, top of the list for self-care this winter will be reconnecting with friends and family – so don’t let winter stop you entertaining!
This winter, if you’re hankering after a little something to reward yourself, try making it into a moment to exercise self-care with conscious enjoyment. This means skipping a quick snack, and instead, making a conscious decision about what treat to have and planning something special to mark the moment (like low lighting or a fancy plate). Set the scene, eat slowly, and savour every delicious morsel. You’ll feel more satisfied and rewarded than mindlessly eating in front of Netflix.
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2. Comfort eating (the healthy way)
Lifting your mood with a spot of self-care doesn’t have to be hard work – it can be as simple as washing away a hard day under a steady stream of gorgeously hot water (for instant, continuous hot water, Natural Gas is the best choice).
A DIY spa or toasting your toes before a fireplace…these simple self-care ideas will clear your mind, lift your mood and warm your body during the chilly winter ahead.
4. Shake it off! Thaw out in front of the fireplace
They are the ultimate in home comfort, casting flickering shadows across the walls when evening sets in, and providing a perfect place to curl up with a good book, watch a classic movie, or simply dream the day away in total relaxation. If you’re in the dreaming or scoping stage of a reno, there’s a range of fireplaces featuring pebbles, coals or logs to suit your style – or you might consider a ducted heating system or portable gas heater. There are a host of great Natural Gas heating options to suit every home and circumstance, because having a warm welcome home in winter will always lift your mood, no matter how the heat is delivered!
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In winter, little luxuries matter more than ever. Relishing in a glorious hot shower and washing your hair with a fruity shampoo, or enjoying a mouth-watering meal of hot minestrone soup scooped up with crusty bread…there are small ways you can pamper yourself this winter and keep yourself uplifted, no matter whether we’re in isolation or out and about.
Still stressed? To completely reset your body and mind, relax your muscles and soothe your soul, try making your shower or bath into a DIY spa day. Stock up on a face mask for your skin type (boys with beards might like a homemade, infused beard oil, too) and splurge on a luxurious shampoo in a scent you love, like fruity raspberry or something heady like ylang ylang. You might like to opt for a shower gel or soap with lavender for maximum relaxation, a common ingredient in products designed to send you to the land of nod. Slip into some fresh PJs and crisp sheets and you’ll be deep in a refreshing sleep before you have time to worry about a thing.
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According to the latest lockdown laws, having family and friends around is now allowed (provided you’re feeling well and you stick to recommended numbers of guests).
5. Self-care with social connection
Investing in easy options that give you instant heat can improve your social life all through the winter months, and instant heat allows you to have social gatherings well into the night (and feast on food cooked to perfection on a Natural Gas BBQ, with no fear of an LPG bottle running on empty!).Transform your home with Natural Gas now. Visit www.gonaturalgas.com.au
For a self-care dish we love, try whipping yourself up a batch of minestrone soup. Even just seeing that riot of colourful cubed veg tumbling into a pot then simmering into a soup that’s bursting with vitamins should lift your mood. Let it bubble away on a gas cooktop until it’s piping hot, then grill some sourdough, drench it in butter, and have yourself a comfort meal that’s good for you, inside and out.
1. Do-it-yourself spa session
3. Take the chance to treat yourself
For a special winter treat to try, we recommend a round of S’mores (biscuits layered with a piece of chocolate and marshmallow, sandwich style). For extra oomph, toast the treat over the flame on your gas cooktop until the charred marshmallow layer melts into the molten chocolate. Pop it on a china plate, pair it with a mulled wine, and take the time to really enjoy it. You’ll have had a real moment of self-care and indulgence instead of an ordinary snack.
Winter days force us to brave blasts of cold every time we step outside, which is not only exhausting but, combined with grey skies, doesn’t do much for your mood. If you’re back at work and getting out and about, or have errands to run that just can’t wait, the perfect cure for a cold day outside is having a warm, glowing home to come home to. A fireplace is the perfect welcome home on a winter's day, but skip messy log fires that take ages to build up to a cheerful blaze, and opt for a Natural Gas fireplace.
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When you think ‘comfort eating’, most people imagine bingeing on ice cream or other unhealthy foods. And while these meals do have their place (see the tip below about times to treat yourself!), there are other times when the nourishment you need isn’t sugar laden snacks but brightly coloured veggies, fresh bread and crisp, picked salad greens (straight from the garden, if you have one)!
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As delicious and nutritious as a hearty soup straight off the gas cooktop might be, sometimes you want (and need!) to treat yourself to something special. And it’s OK to indulge, in moderation - good self-care is all about balancing ‘spoiling yourself’ with a positive outlook, rather than stressing yourself out over a piece of chocolate!
So fend off any feelings of loneliness, isolation or disconnect by filling your home with loved ones. Our advice? Avoid staying cooped up inside when you have people over, and instead, entertain outdoors. Spending time chatting to friends outside in the fresh air, under that endless winter sky, can do wonders for your mental health and sense of space. Extend the event into the evening by setting yourself up around a Natural Gas firepit or outdoor portable heater.
林務局南投林管處位於奧萬大國家森林遊樂區內,天然林區處處,除了森林浴、瀑布、吊橋、楓林區及松林區等景觀,南投林管處今年將舊有損壞引水道改造為山林親水區,28日辦理「腦寮溪親水區啓用及通橋祈福活動」,當地部落原住民參與下熱鬧展開,為炎炎夏日新增一處山林親子消暑的戲水好去處。 來賓們先來體驗這片沁涼。(林管處提供)原鄉居民天生擁有好嗓音,活動首先吟唱原住民歌謠揭開序幕,在部落長老帶領下,向祖靈虔敬表達敬意,祈祝保佑子孫及遊客到這裡都能平安。 奧萬大親水區啟動為炎夏增一處親子遊憩區。(林管處提供)南投處長李政賢表示,親水區前身為台電公司的引水道及沉砂池,因早期取水束縮河道,通水斷面不足,致每逢颱風豪雨常造成土石溢流災害,為徹底解決該處辦理「107年度萬大溪集水區野溪整治工程」,結合生態防災及台電跨部門合作、兼顧森林育樂、景觀營造、交通改善等,將舊有損壞引水道改造為山林親水區,依現場地形特色採用現地塊石材料仿製自然環境營造水瀑景觀,引入腦寮溪沁涼溪水,營造小橋、連瀑、戲水池等親子戲水空間,戲水池間佈設多顆躍石,讓遊客有踩踏過溪的樂趣,體驗潺潺溪水流經腳邊的清涼暢快,親水區旁林蔭下設置石椅及木平台供親子休憩,是夏日消暑親子共遊的好去處。炎炎夏日,林務局推出至12月31日每人可選一國家森林遊樂區免費入園1次,歡迎大家遠離城市喧囂造訪奧萬大,除了森林步道、吊橋、瀑布外,還可以到山林親水區感受戲水池的清涼,享受涼快一夏放鬆身心、親子戲水同遊的樂趣。更多新聞推薦● 悼前總統李登輝長眠 柯P:李前總統是時代的英雄